At Act for Change consulting

Act for Change Consulting is a boutique consulting company based in Nairobi, Kenya but focusing on the provision of superior consulting services across Africa.  Established in 2017, the company works closely with mission driven organizations supporting them to improve their strategy and outcomes towards transforming communities.


The work of Act for Change Consulting is guided by the following principles that are central to our work and that ensure high quality of engagement and impact.


We make use of tangible actions and strategies that are precisely tailored and suited to the context. This ensures that specific issues are addressed, processes are improved and desired outcomes are achieved.

Guided by tenets of inclusivity, we ensure that the ones at the margins are at the centre of the development and transformation story. We identify the specific constrains to inclusivity and locate opportunities that will guarantee that the venerable are effectively brought onboard.

We leverage on our poor of talented consultants and resourceful stakeholders to harness collaborations that address community challenges, foster resilience, and ensure sustainable institutional and community development.

We support creation of an environment that ensures co-creation and sharing of knowledge among stakeholders, allowing communities and organisation to continually improve as well as keep impact visible.

Our Values

Our team consists of industry experts, each bringing a unique set of skills and experiences. In our commitment to staying ahead of industry trends and delivering services that meet the needs of our clients, we are guided by clear core values:


Ethics and Integrity:

We deliver our service as per the highest professional standards and observe absolute confidentiality.

Rights based:

We believe in (and protect) the right of every individual regardless of their standing in society, gender, race, tribe and religion.


We guarantee high-class services and deliverables through keen matching of the competencies and qualifications of consultants with the task at hand before allocating roles. Close monitoring and quality control is faithfully effected throughout the project cycle.


We adopt approaches that harness available resources, give best value to our clients and facilitate sustainable change in the communities that we serve.

Some of our core areas of expertise include:

Sample Completed Projects

    • German Doctors e.V: External evaluation of German Doctors’ “Baraka Health Centre” project implemented in Mathare Valley.
    • German Doctors e.V and Children Sickle Cell Foundation: Evaluation of “Improving the Quality of Life of People With Sickle Cell Disease in Three Counties in Kenya Through Capacity Building, Advocacy and Research Project”
    • St. Elizabeth Mukumu Hospital: Development of a five years’ strategic plan
    • Undugu Society of Kenya: End of term evaluation for outgoing strategic plan and development of five years’ strategy.
    • St. Joseph Technical Secondary School: Conduct a comprehensive institutional assessment and market survey to highlight areas of improvement in the training offered and map out emerging trends and opportunities.
    • Arch-diocese of Kisumu: Development of a five years’ strategic plan.
    • Catholic Diocese of Kakamega:  Development of a five years’ strategic plan.
    • Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu: Development of a five years’ strategic plan.
    • St Joseph Catholic Church- Kangemi parish (run by Jesuits in Eastern Africa): Development of a five years’ strategic plan.
We are a motivated and committed team. We give our best. We discuss, challenge and question but also understand and respect.

Our Team